Divine SoulsDivine Souls - I got hacked/scammed
Divine Souls - I got hacked/scammed
If you have been scammed/hacked or believe that you have been scammed/hacked, please fill out the following below.

*Note: Any shared account information with other players is breach of our Privacy Policy and we cannot restore any items lost when the account is compromised. We can only act on losses that were caused by a compromise in our own service and not to the security of player computers or other mediums where players may store information outside of our system. We are willing to restore ownership of the account back to you but any losses will not be restored.

Sorry, you must be logged in to submit a support ticket.

Your Login ID:


Character Name:

Date of Occurrence (mm/dd/yyy y):

When did this occur (mm/dd/yyyy):

Player action after hack/scam:

IP Address:

Screenshot (link):


We will not disclose any account details to the players regarding all scam reports and investigations.