There are 5 classes a player can assume in 9 Dragons. The class determines the weapons as well as the abilities that can be learned within a particular clan.
Warriors are masters of their clan's main weapon and specialize in melee combat. They have the ability to inflict massive amounts of damage as well as withstand melee damage from enemies. They are weak aganist magic spells and are unable to learn healing abilities. They emphasize constitution, dexterity, and strength, while essence is harder for them
to develop.
Strategist (Healer)
The strategist, more commonly known as the Healer, uses the clan's secondary weapon and specializes in buffing and healing abilities. As the Hybrid class has the same basic abilities as they do, the Healer is able to heal external and internal injuries, while the Hybrid cannot. They emphasize essence and wisdom, while constitution is harder for them
to develop.
Chi Kung Artist (Nuker)
The Nuker is a specialist in the Chi Kung Arts (magic skills). They focus on dealing long-range attacks to their target, the majority of which deal high amounts of damage. They are ill-suited to melee combat and tend to be rather fragile due to having low defense. They emphasize essence and wisdom, while strength is hard for them to develop.
Holist (Hybrid)
The Hybrid uses the clan’s secondary weapon and does not specialize in any one ability. Instead, they are well rounded and can learn abilities from all three classes including, melee, magic attacks as well as buffing and healing spells. They emphasize constitution and essence, while wisdom is harder for them to develop.
A Vagabond is someone who does not join a clan, and as a result, does not learn any advanced techniques. They are, however, able to learn every weapon's basic skill. Due to them being clan-less, Vagabonds can travel to both Black and White clan maps without being killed by guards. Vagabonds usually carry a Sword or a Saber as Wu-Tang and Heavenly Demon teach basic skills for each one (respectively) without the need to join the clan. A Vagabond is considered a weak Warrior, due to not being able to heal or cast nukes (long-ranged attacks).